

Tuesday 10 - Ode to the Weekend & Grands & Collections

I spent the weekend in DC packing my grandparent's for their trip to California (Hi Grandpa!), additionally we moved some items into storage and helped them clean out their bedroom. We made trip after trip to the storage facility, dusted, vacuumed, ran errands, chatted with the grands all that good stuff.
My Kelly grandparents are collectors. Collectors of all sorts of beautiful and interesting things. They have collections of yarn, baskets, matchbooks, ties, musical instruments, canes, records, family mementos - I could go on but I won't. And you know what is awesome about their collections - they don't just collect something to have it, they learn, research, and enjoy these treasures. There's a story to go with each one. It's awesome. Unfortunately people these days probably don't truly appreciate true collectors, but after some reflection I decided it's way cool. Anyhow it was a good weekend and this week's Tuesday 10 (yes that's right it's Tuesday again) is all about loveliness from the weekend.

1. Short Buses - seems like every where we went we saw the short buses on the ride home JJ and snapped some photos of them. I'm not sure what kind of an omen that is but I found in peculiar

2. Grandpa's Baritone Horn - Something to note however Grandpa did not play this horn he was a tuba player. Oh and before that he played the harmonica - Joe perhaps you and grandpa should play a little number together.
3. Woodward & Lothrop Treasures we found them everywhere - Grandma you should really start that museum.
4. Tie Collections - Some probably from Woodys. Did you know that my grandparents used to make ties among other things.
5. Probably the super coolest of all the collections I found - the Picture Matchbooks. These photos do not do it justice, they really are very pretty . One of my most favorite things about this collection is that many of these matchbooks came from hotels that my great great great grandparents lived in or visited.
Like this one seems they lived in the Flamingo in Chicago. I think perhaps it would be fun next time we're in Chi-town to go to all the old Kelly family hotspots - grandpa you should make a list of all those places you used to visit.

6. Grandma's Baskets - outside of a store I have never seen so many baskets and so many different kinds.

7. This sign was hilarious to me. If you look carefully you will see another short bus?
8. Grandpa's got Moxie - oh and his boss thinks so too! Apparently his boss gave him this bottle of moxie once -it's about 1/3 evaporated, moxie is a disgusting soda and I bet this one is especially nasty. Grandpa told us some stories of his days of drinking and conversing and they were such fun.
9. The vintage flooring - can you say nifty?
10. Last but not least - The return of the wagon! Oh I had missed it - what a treasure this is to drive and ride in. I'm oh so blessed that Esti let's me roll in her. She's ever so lovely I wanted to just drive her on home.

I came home with some treasures too - although I did not photograph them I will save that for another post. Tonight we are having Stephens Modified Chili Recipe because fall has arrived in Indy and it seems so appropriate, we also have to remember to take out the recycling it's out of control (we forgot last week), and I need to cover my tomatoes we might get frost and I can't have my not ripe tomatoes ruined however would I make that salsa. Safe travels G&G.

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