

Tuesday 10 - Summer is Ending

Did we even have a summer? Usually in July or August Indiana has several weeks of sweltering humid never ending hot sun days. This year we had none at least none that I was in town for. I'm not going to complain though because the super hot days are the days I can't stand living here - where you don't want to go outside unless it's to a pool. With just a handful of real summer days left I'm trying to come up with a list of things I still want to do before winter hits like a ton of bricks. Anyhow that's for another day. Here's today's Tuesday 10 - Ten things I love this week...

1. Super Awesome Friends Like the Minniears.
2. 4 day work weeks!
3. Cute little motels like this. I saw a handful of these on our drive to Eville and I was thinking it would be a super fun trip to drive someplace next summer and only stay in funky Motels I think my friend Janelle's family even owns one, perhaps I'll put that on my list of goals for next year.

4. Park(ing) Day is coming. How cool is that? If I wasn't working I think I would have to participate.
5. Adoreable plates like this. I wish they made bowls as I love me some bowls.

6. Check out this article in NYT - One Man's Trash.

7. Deals on DVDs at Blockbuster (did you know you can buy 3 dvd's for $3 more than you can rent them at Blockbuster?) Regardless to say we came home with some that we don't have worry about returning and it was still cheaper than going to the movies.
8. New Pillows
9. That this is the week of festivals!
10. I played some video games with Isiah this weekend and it made me wish he had some Burger Time. Joneses surely you remember this ? With walking ketchup and pickles! Oh why can't video games be this simple anymore I cannot figure out the 42 buttons.

Back to work for me.

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