

Tuesday 10

It's Tuesday already! How did that happen? Well at least I'm 2/5ths of the way to long weekend. Ten things I'm loving.
1. New recipes - my favorite step is #1 - "Open a bottle of champagne, or a California sparkling wine. Shramsberg from Napa is recommended, as it works well with the Humboldt Fog cheese. Pour yourself and anyone in the near vicinity a glass. Repeat as needed." - Ahh Jono add this to the list of things to cook.
2. Typerwriters when I finish this blog I'm going to type up some letters!
3. My mom. I had a lovely conversation with a friend of mine today who has child "drama" and it makes me love my mom hearing these stories all the more because for the better part of my life she was it and we were it. - Who doesn't love that! And mom you should be proud you have 4 "normal" well adjusted happy fun adult children and one teenager who's going to turn out pretty cool. Thanks mom you Rock! I couldn't find many photos of the two of us in my quick search but here's a few of mom.

4. 1950's Fridges. I saw this 1950's fridge going down the street in the back of a pick-up the other day and it made me want one. Did you know there's this company making them now - Big Chill? too cool

5. Jason Powell's Photo Project. Awesome.
Isn't this cool?
6. The Weather - who doesn't love the 70's and blue skies and sunshine.
7. Jerry Springer neighbors - They make working from home so much more interesting.
8. A love letter for You. Anyone wanna ride the commute rail with me in Philly?

9. Nearing the completion of our photo wall. If you don't see yourself on the wall it could be A) Because we don't have any super awesome photos of you B) We opted to leave you off for some "things" C) You just aren't cool enough - just kidding.
10. Labor Day Weekend Is Coming!


  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    oh, i just love your posts :) yay for typing letters!! i think i need a typewriter now :) love the pics of your mom, and love the other billboard pics... love it all!! you always brighten my day :)

  2. Man, I was so behind on reading your blog. Whew, now I'm all caught up and everything. I love the Iowa State Fair pics, love the old family photos, love the pic of Jono in overalls and a cowboy hat on the front porch. Wish you could have heard an earful of stories from Grandpa Jones. Can't wait to see you all this wknd. They're calling for rain! boo!
