

Blogging on Lunch

Today for lunch I decided to blog since I had the best oatmeal ever for breakfast and I'm not hungry yet. Best oatmeal ever was made with generic walmart oats, brown sugar, and butter - I think what really made it best was how it was cooked - but I am not really sure what I did. I would have put in some apples but I didn't have time to chop them before my conference call.

I saw this the other day...
and it made me think - hmmm?? (that's me thinking outloud can you tell). If I had a trading card what would it say? If you had a trading card what would yours say?
So yesterday in my quest to "make something" I sketched out some ideas for trading cards - no photos yet I'm not done with them. I also started a knitting project I thought it would be a fun "riding in cars with brothers" project since Jono and I seem to ride in cars a lot.
- Other random things - does anyone know what Tube stop it is in London that you walk up 22 flights of stairs and what the heck is at that stop? I'm trying to finish writing in my travel journal about london but I cannot for the life of me remeber what we saw there - I only remember the scary stairway and wondering why in heavens name nobody else was there.

1 comment:

  1. I think my trading card would say..."she who stresses over parties" LOL
