

Corita Kent

I first became aware of Corita Kent when I was working in Boston and I asked someone at my hotel about the mural on the water tower - who had to ask someone else, who asked someone else who looked it up on the net. It turned out it was a gas tank and it was a mural and not just some random rainbow on a water tower. At the time I put her name in my blackberry to google and moved on to whatever I was really doing. Today when I was looking for something else on my Blackberry I found the sticky I put in my phone...
"Google Corita Kent"
So I did - it turns out she was a pretty fun artist and serigraph printer (I want to do screen printing) - oh and she was also a nun. Anyhow this turned out to be a longer than necessary break from work, which included requesting some of her books on hold at the library, but I can't leave without a few images...

I love this expression - "Damn Everything but the Circus!"

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