

Tuesday 10 - Awesomeness Seen This Week

It's my 5th favorite day of the week again- sorry Tuesday I love Th-Fri-Sat-Sun better, but being #5 can't be that bad. It's rainy and cold today and the rain and wind are taking all the leaves from the trees. But I will not let that stop me from enjoying or loving some Tuesday - instead I made tea and drug out my Ford Motor Company Fleece - anyone know why I even have this? I don't recall ever owning a Ford? I think perhaps someone "regifted" it to me - well anyway it's good and warm and it has a weird breast pocket that is perfect for the iPod although I am certain that Ford had intended for it to be for something like a MPG calculator or perhaps tire patches. Anyhow I ramble far too much let's get on with the Tuesday 10 shall we?
1. I do so love this journal idea and I have started my very own. Despite what Jono said I did not buy the book I'm actually logging all my entries on my google calendar - I could twitter them but some things are not really for everyone to see I think. I also will be bringing back the photo of the day soon I have been taking them but I have lost track of all of them with 4 different cameras it's hard to log so watch for that.
2. Schreve did the dishes!
3. Banksy Art - I know I have mentioned him before but isn't it lovely (no worries I'm not planning to graffitti anything soon).

4. Old School Charles Schultz books - I saw Happiness is a Warm Puppy at a thrift store recently but it was in bad shape. But what is not to love with books like...
or this one (I know I still have my childhood blanket).
or this one..
and I think we all need this one...
5. Hot Tea
6. Super cool places like the Bluffs (also photographed in the last post). Jodie sometime when you photograph the Joneses we'll have to you liberty and oxford - I think Logan and the rest of the crew would enjoy it perhaps next summer and you can bring the boat and we'll go to the lake.

7. Scarf Time. I need to dig mine out of the back of the closet.
Who wants one like pac man? I do!

8. Covered Bridges - the midwest is so rich in history and have preserved places like this. Makes me want to visit the other covered bridges.

9. Kramer School - I tell you I visit all these places that are special to me and I want them all to be on Tuesday 10s! Mom has been working at Kramer since before I can remember and I went to grades K-3 there so regardless to say I spent a lot of days there. We accompanied her there this weekend... Snaps from her class which I'm sad to say is not one of the rooms ever had class in... Don't you love her writing so perfect on each line?
And look they still have chalk boards.
pumpkins lining the lockers (which are new only 3rd grade had lockers when I was there - I never even got one because I spent 3rd grade in an Annex classroom - which is really a trailer next to the playground - but it came with air conditioning!)
All our old favorite playground equipment is gone almost replaced by new things that seem cookie cutter and plastic except for perhaps this guy, does remind of us of days at the Stewart Playground where we spent a many of days. For anyone who knows Oxford Stewart is now a shopping center there is no playground or basketball courts left.
They did salvage these guys I'm sorry to report no tetherball however.
And they still have this one
10. Terribly Funny Phone Calls with Virgin Wireless - for the record I should NOT be responsible for anyones including my own cell phone plans I am completely clueless I hope you enjoyed talking to me Honey and Brian.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I think you liking Fri, Sat, Sun would make Tuesday your 4th favorite. Maybe you should have spent more time at Kramer?

  2. Thursday is in there too "th" but I probably should have spent more time at kramer

  3. Just say when and where we should bring the boat and we'll meet you at the lake next summer. Sounds like fun. It's a beautiful place.
