

Roadtripping Thanksgiving 2009

Got up super early this morning for a road trip to DC - mom and I are doing it up old school style and we drove instead of flying. It's been so long since I drove East I "kind of" missed it (although not really so much) the drive is pretty much the same however on the ride home I do plan to hit some hot spots. I worked a little in the car which I think mom got a kick out of - perhaps she knows a little more about what I do however she was dozing off and driving us into rumble strips towards the end of one of my calls so maybe not. As the highlight of the trip we stopped off in Cumberland for lunch and met up with Mary who mom has known for like 45+ years at this adorable little ice cream place Queen City Creamery. My lunch was pretty good - but the tiny baby cranberry sorbet served at the end was oh so lovely - hello who knew that cranberry sorbet was the Seriously and it was tiny baby sized so that made it even better. Anyhow we can't not have photos right...
Mom and Mary and a Turkey they want you to note the turkey so that's why they are like 2 feet apart.
Mary and Mom up close.
Oh tiny baby cranberry ice cream.
The Queen City Trolley - no I didn't get to ride.
Here's the outside of the creamery
Coming soon tomorrow - The Jay Jones Places of Interest Tour & Turkey Day.

1 comment:

  1. thank you and I did have a great Birthday and boy do I look old!
