

Dear Santa and Kelli

You cannot force me into getting me christmasified even if you think you can. However I will oblige you a little in attempting to get my holiday groove back and thus I'm writing to this letter to Santa and Kelli (thanks for the idea).
First let me start off by saying I've been a very good girl this year I have kept myself in check on most accounts (I can provide references if needed) and there's no need to mention those things where I was a bit naughty. Anyhow in terms of what I'm asking for this year for Christmas here we have it. I would like to say for the record however that I don't think any of these things should be brought by a fat man down a chimney they might get stuck - seeing as all I have is a furnace and dryer vent for a chimney - instead just knock and have one of the boys let you in.
Post it List paper - must be sticky and must be list like. If you've been to the compound or gone grocery shopping with us you know what I'm taking about. (Photo is not accurate)

Something delightful and lovely to accompany my happy spoon, squid whisk, & spoon holder - suggestions include but are not limited too...
A toaster that makes Darth Vader toast.

A hot dog toaster - Kim you know you want this! (please don't bother with the mustard).

And look at these happy choices they seem like they would get along nicely with our other lovely items and that is one sexy measuring cup no joke.

A vintage thermos I have been wanting one and I haven't been successful in locating the right one when at thrift stores. Not to small not to big - just right Santa you know the one.

Aqua and Pink Pryex (nothing else needs to be said about this swellness).

This will definitely not fit in the chimney and I'm a bit picky about it but I want an antique trunk and not just any one the kind that can be my coffee table and I can store all these great things we keep around like Indy Monthlys, and cameras, and CDs and camping spice inside.

A1 Sauce we're out and there is some unwritten law about this.
oh and just for good measure world peace too
XOXO Super Nice and Not So Naughty Katie :o)


  1. I love your Christmas list! Hope Santa brings a sleigh-full to you!

  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    LOL - That's more like it KatieJ! Oh & I think the fat man can fit in that vent pipe! - Kelli

  3. Santa read your list and I think that he can come to my house and sneak through the crack in the garage door. don't forget your stockings!

  4. Santa could not find a vintage thermos but did find a real one that looks old.
    According to the camping guy, the older versions often broke their liners and after that were no good.
    Santa found a vintage picnic basket.
