

1,000 Places to See Before You Die

Yesterday I went to the book store to get some travel books about the three places we are trying to decide between going for spring break, but alas they did not have books on any of these place granted I only went to the 1/2 price books and used book stores but still very discouraging - we may just have to live with what we can read on the internet. Anyhow I did pick up "1,000 places to See Before You Die" because I thought that might help us decide not because I think we'll be kicking the bucket anytime soon. Surprisingly there were some places I've been that seem to be missing from the book like:
The Dover Cliffs in England - They are spectacle by far one of the most beautiful places I've been and the history there so awesome as well.

The Upper Peninsula Michigan (okay so I'm partial to this place but really Isle Royale didn't even make it) It reminds me a lot of Maine and Maine is in the book like 10 times did the people making this book forget that top half of Michigan when mapping their trip?

The Indianapolis 500 - Jono pointed this one out and I promptly responded well that's not really a place it's an event and then he mentioned other events were in the book. After thinking on it - it should be on there regardless of your feelings for race car driving - any event that drawls 500,000 people to a single day event and has international live coverage and has and entire month long of events should probably be on the list too. The Kentucky Derby made the list so why not the 500.
Anyhow those were just a few places we noticed initially that were missing, I'm sure there are others granted in a book of a 1,000 and with billions of places on earth something has to not make the cut. The book is interesting to say the least and I was surprised at just how many places in it with my limited international travel I have been to. And it is proving helpful in our quest to determine where to go on our spring break - here are the options if you would like to weigh in as well:
  1. Chile & Peru - Ideally we'd like to get to see Easter Island & Pichu and really just experience as much of the local culture as we can possibly see in 10 days. Pros - Exchange rate is probably the best of any location we are looking at, the culture shock factor, amazing landscapes, not huge us tourist destinations, slightly warmer weather (in some spots) Cons - Travel from one country to the other, & just general transportation, flight cost for non-mileage travelers higher, language barrier.
  2. Norway, Sweden, & Denmark - Vikings, Mountains, Spas, Castles, the Archipelago - lovely Pros - Awesome Art, Cheapest non-mileage travelers flight cost, we can visit mom's friend, perhaps Darah and Joe can meet up with us. Cons - It will likely be COLD & snowy some of the time, flight may involve three layovers total travel time of like 14-18 hours (ugh).
  3. Italy - Rome, Venice, Tuscany, high on the list crossing more wonders of the world off like the Coliseum & leaning tower of Pisa. Pros - Of all the options we'll probably have the best weather here, history, I can speak "a little" Italian, we are familiar with the food (for the most part), good trains, we probably are most familiar with places and things to see here, Cons - less exotic, lowest exchange rate, Ashley has already been to Italy.
Anyhow feel free to weigh in we truly cannot decide and if we could afford it we would surely go on all three trips.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    If I was going I would pick Italy hands down, but knowing you I'd say Chile & Peru - you'll get the most from that experience; however Steve says Denmark & Sweden and Lucy has no comment. - K S & L

  2. At first I thought Italy would be goodIt is warm,and because of the music and art and Venice, but now I think Chile/Peru. Between now and then get the tapes going of how to speak spanish.

  3. we are banking on ashley's spanish speaking ablities

  4. Kelli - doesn't mean I can pick too many choices.

  5. Oh my, those are hard choices! I guess you should put them all in a hat and just draw one out and start making plans!

  6. Indy 500 race is place to people who has big adrenaline, not for die
