

Before and After - Schreve/Steve's Room

Some of you may remember when the boys did not live with me and my third bedroom looked liked this?
Mind you most of you probably saw it when it was even messier because you can't make art without messes. Well last summer the Schreve moved in with us and I'm ashamed to say we didn't even put a coat of paint up or take down the wall rubon's before he moved in and so the poor schreve lived in room that looked a little like this.

Schreve and I added that spray paint on some weird whim one day.
Anyhow with Steve subletting Schreve's room for a while we thought it would be a good time to paint her and stop using the room for storage. So we did - I gave schreve two choices of paint color - gray and white and he chose gray - good choice schreve! And we painted her up, we also repurposed two paintings that used to hang in the living room to go in schreve's room and I rather like them better now. Anyhow here are some afters ...

room is not very large so it makes photographing with the SLR a little complex I guess I could have switched out the lenses. And now Schreve/Steve has a room that does not look like the remnants of a craftroom/college party.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I like it - never thought of painting a room gray before but it looks nice!

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I remember the messy craftroom. Looks great now. - Kelli

  4. Amazing what a little paint can do!
