

The weekend...

I know I have been a bad blogger I missed this Tuesday's Tutorial - I thought about it but I have been sick all week. This week I plan to share something super fun. Anyhow - I thought I'd give you a little weekend recap. This weekend was Steve's last weekend with us so we went out Friday. ('m going to miss having him around he was a nice addition to our family and he's going to miss us too). Anyhow we went to Kilroy's IU's headquarters for the Big 10 Tournament which was here in Indy - I found my crappy camera so I was able to take photos again. Check it...
You can get your drink in a pitcher - people who take dayquil probably should not order this kind of cocktail.
This is me trying to be all kinds of cool and Steve is getting into it as well but Ash - she's looking cute.

I found a stikman on Maryland Ave - I'm probably lucky I didn't get run over when I found him as I stopped to take this photo with on coming traffic.
On Saturday - we lounged around a bit and said our goodbyes to Steve. Then we watched Precious - which was good but not that good. Matt came to hang out with us and we went downtown to meet Kim and Sammie for some Jillian's entertainment. Jono was the best basketball game player seen all day - he was kicking butt against the whole bar not just us, Sammie is the Deal/No Deal Queen, I was pretty good at skee-ball and Matt beat me hands down at the shooting game (I had negative points) - Kim was pretty good at watching us. Like an idiot I only took like 5 photos. But here are two that are not completely crap.
Jono focusing on B-Ball
Sammie - throwing down with me on air hockey - I won once and let her win once.
Then not photoed we went to dinner at spaghetti factory - the cream soda was delightful. We saw Green Zone - which was pretty good (although I doubt it will win any academy awards) - sometimes it's fun to see action movies on the big screen.
Today - off to a late start - the time change surprised me - I always feel as though I can't remember when we change time and today was no different I'm all out of whack. Matt and I went to Peppys for brunch - it was pretty much standard diner food nothing to special or fancy. Afterward we went to Midland and found nothing special although I thought about a drafting table and a trunk but walked away from both for various reasons. Now I'm planning on working a little and then perhaps doing the rest of my laundry. Hope you had a good weekend and here's to a good week!


  1. sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. Looks like you had a good weekend though!

  2. Being sick is no fun. Glad you had a good wknd and got to spend some time with Kim and Sammie. I bet that made you feel better. I hope you got on Kim about not blogging as she was challenged to do.

  3. hah! I forgot about that - she needs to bust a move she's like a month late.
