

Thea's Neighborhood

While I was working and visiting in California I wanted to photograph some of Aunt Thea's neighborhood - I'm not sure why really probably because it's so not like a neighborhood in Indiana or in New England so I took my big camera when we walked to meet my 2nd cousin or cousin removed or cuzaunt for lunch. Here are some of the shots I took of Santa Clara - it really is quite lovely there this time of year.
Kumquats and roses - so pretty
Grandpa and the kumquats. Grandpa loves loves loves the kumquats he likes to have a few every day. And he's always so generous and wants to offer them to everyone. Most of the time he has no takers although Mark likes them and you probably saw photos of Mikey in the previous post eating some. I don't care for them myself because of the skin too much like orange peel.
I also spied these lovely flowers aren't they pretty - anyone know what they are? Mom you better ask mrs. edwards.
oh and look there's nancy and grandma, and uncle paul.
and nancy and thea
oh and we spied mark getting some coffee on our walk.
and this lovely rv - i really do like it
and here are some of the houses I photographed... don't you think edward scissor hands when you see this?
And I love this shade of brady bunch green house
And these people what the heck are they thinking with the blue trim that looks like painters tape that you forgot to remove.
Oh and there goes Thea in front of none other than her house.
Tomorrow stay tuned for a post about the mission.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to the pictures from the Mystery house, if they turned out, that is.
