

Weekend Recap

So I know it's bad karma to recap the weekend before it's over yet however I'm pretty sure nothing eventful will happen this evening jono is washing his car and then going to grill - he wanted to grill himself I guess I might burn down the house or he just really likes grilling. I'm planning to read the latest issue of Indy Monthly and probably make a card for a friend who's birthday is coming up. Anyhow here's the recap...
There was an adventure to the Army Navy Store (jono needed something to wear for his uniform with the vintage baseball team- that's another post for another day). So we found a Army/Navy Store - there's one in Rushville we always want to go into however never have this one however was sort of downtown but not really.
jono in the store I think stores like this purposely have lighting that makes you look pastey white - even jono is usually "off-white" as uncle paul would say looks pastey.
And this is the barrel o' pants - yep that's right army navy stores have barrels o' pants - they are not even sorted by style/size/sex - it's just pants in a barrel
But they also have - HELMETS - I don't know why but I had a sudden impulse that I needed my own helmet. Additionally not photographed but also useful items they sell - camping mess equipment, ammo boxes, and waterproof journals - one should keep this in mind in case they have the need for such things.
After that I worked on the floor. (No photos sorry) I removed all the remaining tack strips so I would not step on them again. Now we are tack strip free in the hall and the living room. When I was done with that I debated on napping and going to look for replacement boards. And guess what won? Both! hehe
I did a little power nap and then hit the salvage yard - White River Salvage - which let me tell you is a treasure trove of junk but so many beautiful things - if I wouldn't have felt like a silly I would have taken photos inside too not just outside. However the Salvage is basically like a junk yard for house pieces and parts - literally when they are demoing a house someone goes and with a truck from the salvage and collects the remnants - it's sad and beautiful all at the same time, and it's like this maze of craziness. Something also fantastic about the salvage is there are all these little workshops throughout the place where people are refurbishing things and restoring them to all their former glory. Unless you have been to such a place without photos it's just hard to explain. Anyhow back onward to the weekend recap. So I set off in search of boards for my floor - someone told me they would have them. I also was secretly hoping to locate card catalog drawers - I have this sudden impulse that I need some for my living room remodel so if you see some in the area let me know. I was assisted by a lovely guy Heathcliff who was bebobing all around the maze of reclaimed hardwood in the place but he found me matching boards so thanks Healthcliff. I also spied these lovely iron fixtures - they have a whole grave yard of old iron pieces.
And I spied this beauty too - 1950 ford station wagon - that needs a considerable amount of work but isn't she pretty? Don't worry I did not buy her - yet!
I ran some more errands and then returned home for some work on the floors. We sanded the replacement boards. Which is really more time consuming that you would think when you try and remove the whole finish. FYI - orbital sanders are the BOMB - I love those little velcro sand papers - whoever invented them is a genius!

Here's a little sneak peek at what the floors will look like - aren't they lovely.

And then today - Sunday. I got up and went to church - I've been testing out one called the Indy Metro Church which is actually in the same building as the Y. Who knew? After church I had a sudden urge to paint and I figured since summer is here I should do it outside. But first lunch.
Yup that's right Jono and I went to Mrs. Curl. It's the cutest little hot dog place in Indy. Next time we will have to ring mom up and tell her to watch us eat on the webcam - yes that's right you can watch people eat on a webcam - lol. I love their little sign all hand painted.
and their ice cream light and cones.

I think Jono likes it too!
He certainly likes the Cincy Dog
I also like the blue sippy which is a blue slushie super fantastic! (not photoed). But you can see my new haircut sort of in this snap.
Then we went to the park. I used the quilt I made last summer - that I kind of screwed up in the wash as I knew better than to machine wash it. It's a rock pocket quilt and it has pockets for rocks on the other side so it doesn't fly away while picnicking - delightful i know.
I did a little painting.
This one is probably the least ugly of everything I painted - it's my summer to-dos:
  • Sew Bunting
  • Make a Quilt
  • Be less bitter
  • Finish Living Room
  • Italian Street Fair
  • Turn 30
  • Make Jam
  • Hula Hoop
  • dance
  • make salsa
  • ride ferris wheels
  • wild west road trip
  • memory jar - which I bought the other day
  • Bike
  • Ocean City for Jono's Birthday
  • Michigan
  • Natural Wall
  • Kayak
  • 30 days of awesome
I need to add these ones as well
  • schreve and alicia
  • paint my dressers
  • drive in movies
Jono read his book - note he's on our childhood picnic blanket - 25+ years of goodness - no jono we cannot throw it away it's an antique almost.
I also spent some time staring at the sky although not directly into the sun that is never good!
It's been a beautiful weekend I can't wait for more summer.

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