

Tuesday 10 - Goodbye June - Much Lovin'

I should have probably made a tutorial this week but I'm not really feeling it right now so instead you get a Tuesday 10 - which #7 is a Tutorial by someone else. Here's some recent things I love.

1. Vacation in 3 days - Wild West Here We Come!
2. My birthday in 2 day
3. JJ's birthday present (which I think is super cool even if he doesn't - which I haven't confirmed or denied)

3. This quote which is from the book Eat Love Pray - Not that I've read it but I want to see the movie!  "Happiness is the consequence of personal effort.  You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. - Melissa Gilbert"
4. Fun Recipes - Ginger Beer from here. (Image from Lottie and Doof)
5. Getting a new sister - Congrats Schreve and A - unforunately we'll have to wait until 2011!
6. 100 acres who doesn't love an art park that encourages touching and yes standing on art!

7. This Tutorial - I think I need if for my kitchen whenever we finish the remodel. (Image from fiction we live)
8. Lita is staying with us for a bit - fun sister time!
9. Beautiful 70 degree weather at the end of June what is not to LOVE!
10. Being able to close my dresser drawers

1 comment:

  1. JJ LOVES his gift... it's totally super cool!
