

Wild West Recap #5 - Deadwood, Devil's Tower, Montana Wilderness

We stayed Deadwood.  Which is a cute historic town filled with casinos and what-not.  Perhaps you know Deadwood from the HBO tv show.
They have shoot outs and it's a real like wild west mining town.
And they have stores that carry wildberry insence how funny is that?
Jono found himself a cigar shop.  It seemed fitting.
Then we were off to Wyoming
We went thru Sundance where Sundance Kid was fun.

And there was Devil's Tower which is really quite a sight in the middle of no where.
And then we headed to Montana
Where we saw this...
a traffic jam

I am so grateful that we weren't driving 3200 miles in one of these it was bad enough without cruise control and power windows.
And after that the GPS took us on a 100 mile ride on a gravel road literally in the middle of nowhere in places where even verizon cell phone has no coverage and the GPS didn't work all the time.  And it was a real life wilderness loop where the antelopes (or weird deer) graze
And buffalo roam
And we had a picnic lunch right next to the buffalo
And then we were welcomed "orth akota" yup that's right
More still although we are drawing to an end of our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    loving reading about your trip. I'm kind of envious. - kel
