

Wild West Recap #6 - North Dakota Ending the road trip recap

We stayed in Medora and Fargo while in North Dakota - the state seemed to only have people driving around.  Our favorite hotel on the trip was the Rough Riders this is where Teddy Roosevelt used to stay back in the day.
The town was pretty cute.
It's right next to Teddy Roosevelt National Park - which is literally probably the least populated of any park - I think we saw all of 10 people in the place.But we did see 100s of prairie dogs.
And badlands completely different from the other ones.
I climbed to the top of one of the mountains.
I didn't even topple over and fall down. Jono climbs up and down and calls himself dances with wolves, I told him I was more like slow waltzs with turtles because I'm on constant alert of the height.

But I enjoyed climbing I let Jono venture to the top of a few on his own.
We saw wild horses.
He came down with a giant splinter in his arm.
And there was a beautiful sunset

And then we saw this lone buffalo
And some elk.
We also saw the cannon ball formations
My hair was a complete disaster almost the entire trip - and when I got home I think I used a whole bottle of detangler to unknot it.
It was a beautiful national park.
we also saw the enchanted highway - which is large sculptures created by a man to save his town. 
It was a great trip I'm so glad Jono and Lita were able to come with me I'm sure we'll never forget it.

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