

Ohio Cup - Day 1

I just finished cleaning my bathroom and starting laundry so I figured that was worthy of blog time.  So the Ohio Cup is a two day vintage baseball tournament.  Saturday we got up early snagged breakfast at Krogers near our hotel and headed to the Ohio Village for the days games.  Can I just tell you it was also cold - I'm so glad I had a hoodie and the quilt in the car so I didn't freeze as we were not anticipating such a cold labor day. Anyhow for the first game the Indianapolis Blues played the Columbus Capitals - the blues had lost in Detroit to this team at the recent big vintage baseball tournament in August. The Blues didn't fair so well in the early morning sunlight and ended up losing the match but Shawshank does have a uniform now and matches the rest of his team.  The Columbus Capitals are pretty good  and they do have a cool uniform - I think their mix-matched plaid shirts are fun.
I think this is very much how vintage baseball players would have looked as they wouldn't have been smiling for the camera - now we just need to photoshop that highway in the background to make this more authentic. ;)
See how cool their uniforms are?
Trouble and some Capital

Eye on the ball or being blinded by the light.

This is where if this was a cartoon Preacher and Shawshank would have bumped into each other and dropped the ball (they did not but we can pretend they did).
I think Shawshank is saying good morning to the ladies momo and ash.
Rabbit pitching - in 19860's baseball they pitched under hand and they also could tell the pitcher where to throw it - how's that sound.
Hip Hip Huzzah for the Capitals on their win.
After that disappointing start to the tournament we visiting the Ohio Village Museum.  Which I must say I thought was going to be super cool and was rather small and didn't seem to be too terribly interesting.  I wish the village houses had been open because that would been cool but only one was open.  We did enjoy the old trolley car and the train though.
One of my favorite things about the museum was this vintage baseball collection which was actually one of the Muffins and he set it up for visitors to see - oh and TOUCH!  I was so excited to put my hand in the old gloves I always have trouble resisting the urge to touch things.  I think Ash enjoyed it too.
Then it was back to baseball.  I was under strict instructions from Shawshank to take photos of the whole team.  I tried to humor him so he wouldn't stab me with a shiv later ;o)  They played some team who's name I can't recall next and my friends Jen and Dave and their kids came by to be cranks too (you might remember when I was featured on Jen's blog).  Dave helped me out with the photo taking so I did not disappoint Shawshank.  Thanks Dave!  Here are the players in no certain order...
Preacher, Rusty, Buckeye, and Shawshank
Oh there's Shawshank again - I also like that you can see momo watching him in the background.
And the bench - Trouble, Shawshank, Rabbit, Limpy, Rusty, Buckeye
Mom taught Lilly how to crochet during the game - and Cohen liked the idea of yarn. I however did not take a single photo of Dave or Jen at the game (what the heck is up with that Katie).

Unforunately again the Blues lost, but like true gentlemen they tipped their hats to the other team.
Then after some lunch we came back for another game, against the Grangers - in which the Blues proceeded to lose a third time (this apparently was not their day).  Don't the Grangers look snazzy in their suspenders?
Shawshank - in the background you can see how they keep score on the little chalkboard and how the officials are all vintage too.
And for some more photos which I'm too lazy to label.
After all three losses we headed to the hotel and then off to explore Columbus more on that soon.


  1. Jen didn't take out her camera and you didn't take a picture of her!! Is that a cold front I am feeling here in Korea? LOL!!

    Love the pictures, their uniforms are so cool looking!!

  2. I know seriously - how in the heck did that happen? I did get three with cohen and one with Lily though. It's probably the same cold front beware the humidity will come back.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    great pics!! so much fun!! and no worries at all on no pics of me ;) i was at my camping best... and the kids were there, so that is proof enough that i was there :)
