

Ohio Cup - Day 2

And for the second day of the Ohio Cup.  The Blues faired much better on sunday - the weather warmed up and so did the guys.  They started out the day playing Union something or Something Union or perhaps it was really the Ground Squirrels with a bunch of Union somethings thrown in. They ended up winning by a landslide which was a great way to start the day.
Jono and Rabbit - I would say the oldest and youngest members of the team but I think Trouble is a tad older than Rabbit.
 This is other teams but I love this perspective.
Ash and I practiced our trashy magazine reading I'm all caught up on gossip about people I don't know now just quiz me. 
 Back to the Blues - Wildcat batting - if you click to make it larger you'll see his expression which I think is great.
And Preacher
And Trouble trying to get the cranks rallied.
And then he's batting.
And look there's Shawshank (you can be mad now I think I photographed everyone)
And there's Limpy
And next up Rusty who also has a priceless face he looks like he's shocked at that hit
Update on the Score.
After that we grabbed some lunch and hit the Muffin Meadow field which I think is the coolest field they have a cool scoreboard and there are apple trees in the outfield.  And I was half imagining that strawberry shortcake and blueberry muffin lived under the bridge in the way out field - or at least a troll.  But they did not surface.  Lita and I played catch with Shawshank before the game and I must say to play without a glove is harder than it looks I really only wanted to catch it after the bounce.
 See look how cute this field is that's an apple tree right there. 
And even the ump is got on his top hat.
The ball looks like this the threads cross.
Seriously are you not thinking a troll is going to run out from that bridge snag an apple and run back?
Hawkeye running to home
And Rabbit catching the ball.
everyone running in to bat.
Look an action shot.
And the Blues win again.
Hip Hip Huzzah
Then for the last game of the day.  The Minniear Family came to see Shawshank in action (they were in town for a wedding).  I do so enjoy the whole Minniear crew  - Logan took some pictures for me and so did Jodie. Thanks for coming out.
First I need to comment on these cool socks that the team that played before the blues had - can you say nifty?
Okay back to it - look there's Shawshank making a play (photo by logan)
And there's more fielding. (photo by logan)
And Shawshank and the bench.(photo by logan)
And who doesn't love a shot like this - Jasper giving Limpy five for a job well done isn't that awesome!  You might also notice that tin cup - that's for the whiskey.(photo by logan)
And Shawshank batting and look there's Jodie with her fancy camera in the background. (photo by logan)
And the Blues won again.  3-3 isn't so bad.  Hip Hip Huzzah!
Thanks for a great weekend Jones and Coers and thanks to the cranks that came to watch with us Minniears and Jen and Dave.  See you next year.  :D


  1. Ah good memories of a geat weekend. I am reliving some of the fun times since I am stuck in Liberty this weekend with no one toplay with!

  2. Love some vintage baseball. Glad we could make it to a game!

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    where can I sign up? I wonder if there are teams in chi-town? - nick
