

Head of the Charles 2010 - Crossing Something off the Bucket List

From the very first time I came to Boston and the rowers were out on the Charles - I have been drawn to Memorial Drive to sit and watch them row - I also am fascinated with the sailing on up the river but that is another story for another time.  And I also love ferry boats, and clipper ships, kayaks and tug boats (notice how I leave out canoes).  Perhaps I was supposed to be a boat captain not an IT consultant??? 
Anyhow I divert.
When I learned of the Head of the Charles this super big regatta that happens in Boston every year I instantly knew I wanted to go.  So I actually wrote this in on my 100 things to do before I die list (which is also another post for another day).  The last few years I wasn't able to go but NOT this year.  This year I made it happen - CHECK! 

And it was fun, and I was just content to sit and watch the rowers, even though I didn't know anyone in the race, and I didn't even know the rules - but I learned a little met some new people and really enjoyed myself.  Dawn sorry you and Travis didn't get to come too. For the record my picture are horrible because the sun was either too bright or gone.  I should have come earlier in the day.
Just one rower is called a sculler
 more sculling
 In events as large as the head of the charles - everyone doesn't start together - it's a timed event where they start in heats, and the best time will win.  I love seeing the rowers and the brick of Harvard in the background lovely.
 The big boats have a extra person in the boat who navigates and encourages the rowers - I have already forgot what Tara and Dave told me they call that person.  (Usually this person is hidden in the front of the boat)

 Nice Sock boys
 Once you complete the race you turn your boat around and go back on the other side of the river.  I saw these lumberjacks returning don't they have a cool uniform?
 Girls row too.
 They go under the bridges (I also like bridges)

Anyhow it was a awesome day for rowing, an awesome day for watching not to hot, not to cold - just right. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on doing one of those Things!
