

Last Indy Blues Game of 2010

Last weekend we went to the last Indianapolis Blues baseball game of the season.  It rained but it was still a fun time.  The Blue played the Batesville Lumberman who all worked for the Batesville Casket company which is kind of fun. Despite the cold and the rain we went to cheer Shawshank on, and it was right near the other end of summer activity locations. 
I took some snaps, unfortunately you can't really tell it's raining.  Here's Shawshank a little wet from the rain.
And this is the ball they play with note the stitches
And the ball park this is not a traditional vintage baseball park - but it was good to have cover from the rain. 
Jono got a base hit
Which was also the the go ahead run (but not before he slid into the 3rd base)

Momo was not so much enjoying the rain
In the end the Indianapolis Blues lost but it was a good day - goodbye summer, baseball, and all that jazz - til next year.

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