
It's sad how things work out

18 years ago we moved next door to this guy and his family
16 years ago he was best friends with Jono
16 years ago I used to babysit him and his siblings
9 years ago he helped us move my mom
We all went our separate ways - even Jono and him lost touch
2 weeks ago he came back into our lives to help us move my mom again
 His life wasn't easy in the time that had passed
But he fit right back in with us it was like time didn't matter
We were going to invite him to our thanksgiving
Yesterday he was killed in a car accident
Rest in Peace Jesse
It's sad how things work out sometimes, how different peoples lives go in different paths, and you wonder how did that happen.  Our thoughts and prayers are with your family especially your two young daughters.


Anonymous said...

oh katie. im so sorry for you and jono. such a sad thing to happen. your words made me teary... "His life wasn't easy in the time that had passed, But he fit right back in with us it was like time didn't matter" what a great family you guys have! hugs to you all.

thea said...

Oh, I am so sorry.

Unknown said...

Oh how sad Katie. I'm so sorry.

bonkdawn said...

Oh, Katie .. I am so so sorry. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

Jodie said...

So sorry for the loss of your friend. How sad.