

Tuesday Tutorial - How to Title or Start Your Sisters College Papers

My sister likes to complain about all this writing she has to do for her college english class.  it's like a daily occurrence that she's complaining apparently she has to write a paper each day.  Anyhow I like to offer to help her out by coming up with a awesome title or ways to hook in the readers and I thought I would share my wonderful insight - because I think it's awesome and it's much more clever than her first titles.  So here's your tutorial this could also be applied toward interesting blog titles or twitter posts.
Option 1: 
1. Determine what the paper is about: 
Example:  She says "millennium goals"
2. Dissect this theme (use a thesaurus if needed):
Example:  goals = things to achieve, items to take action on, targets, aspire, design, pushing limits
               millennium = new age, generation x, interval
3. Assemble the dissection options into something interesting:
Example:  Searching for New Age Achievements
Hitting the Next Generation Target
Designing Aspiration for the Millennium
Millennium + Shooting for the Stars = A Paper about the Next Generation Aspirations
4. Select one. 

Option 2: 
1. Determine what the paper is about: 
Example:  She says "my autobiography"
2. List things completely UNRELATED:
Example:  Pirates, Socks, Transylvania, Poisonous Frogs, Kickball, Water Bottle Recyling, Tall Super Models, Wallpaper, Soccer, Dishwashing,
3. Cluster these into an interesting statement:
Examples: Dishwashing Pirates
tall super models wallpapered transylvania
Water bottle recycling kickball team in Transylvania
4. Add this interesting statement to another statement similar to one of these "This has nothing to with ____________________",  "Things couldn't be better if ___________________", "__________________ never happened.": 
Examples:  This has nothing to do with dish-washing pirates. 
Things couldn't be better if tall super models wallpapered Transylvania.
The water bottle recycling kickball team in Transylvania never happened.
5. Select the most hooking version.

Results = super awesome title or way to start your paper - almost makes me wish I was back in college writing papers - well NSM, I'll stick with blogging.