

What Time Is It?

Everytime it's daylight savings day. I'm perpetually confused about what the heck time it is in the morning. I'm not entirely sure why this is so hard for me.  Perhaps it's a combination of living in Indiana for so long, or maybe it's because I'm not really good at reading a regular clock, or that I'm just not that preoccupied with what time it is.  Who knows but this morning here I am again confused trying to determine if my gadgets have already changed time or if it's really 10:23 am?

Speaking of clocks and time - I've always had this desire to have a cuckoo clock - you know the kind that things move and it makes noises during some time.  I don't think this is recommended when you have a 900 square foot house and two roommates but perhaps sometime.


  1. I LOVE cuckoo clocks! I really want one too :)

  2. I completely feel the same way about daylight savings. It actually messes up my sleep for a couple of days. I wake up too early actually. Ha! Love the clock picture!
