

Changes at the Bungalow

So things are always changing around here.  This week we have some big changes going on.  Jono is moving out.  Yes you are reading that right. 
I will be sad to see Jono go as we have had a fun few years being roommates as adults.  It's been fun teaching him how to cook, and watching him learn to love it.  It's been fun annoying him with my endless talking.  It's been fun working on house projects.  It's been fun sharing cars, laughs and moments.  It's been fun seeing Jono mature into the man he wants to become.  It's been a good run little brother - I wish you all the best.   
He's not leaving until this weekend so I'm sure there will be updates on the move.  Oh and just in case you were wanting to inquire there's already someone lined up to move into his room (more on that later).


  1. Awww, it's all because he learned how to cook. I know you'll miss him. Good luck Jono!

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    awwwww :(

  3. Reading this message made me cry!
