

1963 Clue for $0.69

Today I went thrifting and I got some pretty sweet items more about some of those later.  My favorite purchase was this 1963 "Clue" board game.  I got it for $.69 and it has all the pieces except for Colonel Mustard.  The box is in a said state with lots of damage, but it's still a gem to me.   I love the graphics they are awesome.  How do you not love old school Mr. Plum or Mrs. Peacock?   So I added it to my vintage board game collection and it fits in quite nicely.  And best part is it cost less than $1. 


  1. This is just like the one I first played on. I was in third grade so it was possibley 1960 or there abouts.

  2. rats, I wish I had bought it -- to go on my list of 52 items for $1 (or less). enough said, very cool.

  3. Well I bought it thinking about your list. As I have two other clue games 1980s clue and 2000's clue.
