


I am sitting at DCA in a state of delay. Do you remember back in 2007 when I frequently was in the state of delay only at Dulles? I certainly do. I am a little over it in this given moment - of course I have been sick for over a week and the lounge closed already and it's freezing. I know that I choose this life one that involves lots of traveling and with it comes patdowns, schlepping, shuffling and waiting. Most days I am very patient about it. Today not so much. and if someone offered me a job where i would stay in Indy most of the time I probably wouldn't take it well unless it was a sweet deal. However right this second I might reconsider - I guess we all have moments of weakness.


  1. so sorry. Wish I could do something to help.

  2. Ah Kate, one is never happy with their lot are they? I wish for your life today, full of travel and adventure...sitting and waiting is not the best in life, but you do get to watch the world go buy for a bit...
