

Movie - The Way Back

I crossed another movie off my list last night. The Way Back - which is the story of six men who escape from prison in Siberia and walk like 5000 thousand miles to freedom from the communists in Russia. It was a great story with some beautiful imagery, with a mix of disgustingness too- with the subject I  think is only natural. I give it extra bonus points because I feel like I now how to survive an blizzard, fight Siberian mosquitoes, and cool myself should I be prolonged in the desert. Since we knew the movie was based on a true story we left an needed to google more about it. And we were deeply saddened to learn that the guy who wrote the book the movie was based on actually stole the story from one of the guys who lived it. Anyhow though it was still a movie worth seeing and worthy of oscar nominations. If only for the great story of perseverance and a quest for freedom and love.

1 comment:

  1. hadn't heard of it (where have I been??). But on your recommendation, we will definitely see it.
