

File This Under Ramble

This past few months has flown by in almost a blur. 
I feel as though I traversed the state of Massachusetts at least twenty times (and this isn't an exaggeration)  
I feel as though I only exchange suitcases at my house
I feel as though I stayed in 25 different hotels (in reality I might have stayed in 35)
I feel as though I taught the same class 100 times (okay so this is an exaggeration it's really only been 20 )
I feel as though I went out 50 times (true story)
I feel as though I had a lot of interesting conversation
I feel as though I walked a million miles (in reality I only went to the gym four times)
I feel as though I drove more crappy dodge rental cars then any human should have too (FYI I have no desire to EVER own a Dogde)
I feel as though I am missing something by not standing still
I feel as though I'm not appreciating all these awesome opportunities and blessings I have been given
So I stopped just for a few hours tonight
After a quick dinner with my friend instead of going out with someone else or doing some shopping or taking in some kind of adventure - I came back to my suite at the hotel and took a bath and read a book (I know crazy)
I actually almost read half of it while soaking in the spa tub then I got hot and bored 
And then just like that I was over it

This is what happens with me I get bored with being still so easily
This is why I never sit still 
This might be why I love traveling for work
This could be TV and books are not really my thing
This is probably why Jono thinks I have ADHD
But you know what I'm okay with that 
Because sometimes even I take a moment



  1. glad you slowed down long enough to realize you don't want to slow down. Like the new look.

  2. Ok. So you are not only a traveler, you are a writer. I am glad you have fun and love life. Momo

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I like that Momo signs her name Momo!
