

Homemade Laundry Detergent

This weekend has been all about accomplishing things on my lists. Literally I made a list of 25 things to do this week while on the plane Friday Night and I have been busting a move thru them.  One of those things was make laundry detergent I had been wanting to do this for months and then I saw on Jen's Blog she had a recipe and she recommended it (Thanks Jen!).  
Since tide has been screwing with recipes for detergent recently and causing me to break into hives more than I care too.  I figured now was the time to make it.  It smells divine and it seems to get stuff clean I did a load of whites already with it and they are nice and white.   I have more detergent than I had empty jugs saved up so I'm hoping the Schreve takes me up on the offer and brings a jug so he and A can have some too.   If not I will have to find a lid for the bucket and/or get some empty water jugs someplace.   And Just an FYI Jen was right about the cost savings Tide is about $5-7 per 100 fl. oz.  I bought all the supplies for making the soap for $7 I made 5 gallons and I have enough to make another batch (I bought two bars of Feldspar because it was on sale) .  So take that makers of Tide that's new improved formula gives me hives.
Thanks Jen!


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    yay!! you are welcome :) and thank YOU for sharing here :) that makes me feel awesome!!

  2. Please e-mail me the recipe!

  3. I have to confess when I read the title of your post I was a little puzzled .. I mean why would you want to make your own laundry detergent? But after I read it, I am quite impressed. I don't have any skin issues, but I do have pocket book issues. I'll save up on the bottles and try it myself. thanks. You are amazing!!

  4. I don't normally have skin issues but Tides been adding weird smelling perfumes to their detergent. The stuff smells good and it get clothes clean so it's a win win.

  5. How awesome! Perhaps I should give it a try too. I go through ALOT of laundry detergent! I will have to check out Jen's blog for the recipe.

  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Hmmm....I'll buy a jug off you to test it out. Make sure it's in the Tide bottle so Ash wont know the difference. Then when it's all used up I'll tell her it was homemade and we can make our own. =)

  7. you crack me up jonesy! You can just have some you don't have to buy it we have enough for a while and we can always make more.
