

Blah Blah Blah & Expense Reports

The last couple weeks have been crazy busy ones, and I have a few things I've been wanting to blog about.  So I told myself as a reward if I did 3 of my 9 outstanding expense reports by that I would blog.  Well I spent three hours toiling over those silly things attempting to enter an expense report to no avail.  I encountered some weird bug, and then it just wouldn't save the damn thing.   So I tried saving line by line and I still have only submitted a "small baby" expense report.  I was so frustrated so I went to the gym to burn some energy then followed up with yoga.  Now I decided to blog anyway unfortunately I'm so frustrated with expenses that I'm blogging about that.  However tomorrow I'm hoping to blog either Vermont Part Deux or The Best of Life March Movie (it's been exporting for like 5 hours). 


1 comment:

  1. :( sorry expense reports are so frustrating. Good job about exercising and the yoga .. what a great way to deal with the frustration. looking forward to vermont II.
