

A Letter to my brother Jono

Dear Jono -
I wanted to tell you about some songs I'm digging today but you weren't on AIM so I'm blogging them to you.
Such Great Heights - By The Section Quartet
This is the instrumental version of the same song by The Postal Service both equally awesome you should download - links are here and here.   Please learn to play strings like the Section Quartet it's super cool. 

Here I Am - Spring Standards - Quality of this video is lacking but you get the point.  I also like Goodbye Midnight and Bells and Whistles

Also on the super cool list"newish" Decemberists.
June Hymn and Don't Carry it All - for your viewing/listening pleasure. 

That's all for now.  Oh wait if you can figure out who sings that "when I die can my still pass down"  I'll be ever so grateful. 


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