
Rainbows and Lawnmowers

Yesterday I mowed my lawn. 
With my new 0 emissions, battery-powered Stanley Black & Decker Lawn mower!
Hell ya! 
Did you know it purrs?  
Yes that's right it purrs. 
It's not a loud engine sound but a soft purring.  
I almost didn't think it started. 
My neighbors dogs tried to hope the fence to get it they liked the purring a little too much.
It also doesn't smell like gasoline.
Doesn't have spark plugs that need to be pulled out when it floods.
It's lighter.
It mows my baby sized lawn just fine.  
Can you tell I'm super excited about it.
And it's made by Stanley Black & Decker (so Jono should approve).
The bungalow gets greener every day I wonder where I can get a rain barrel.
Just prior to lawn mowing the sky looked like this.  
It was awesome with the rays of light peering from behind the clouds.
And just before that it was sprinkling and  sunny.  
And we were driving along on I-70.   
And Lita and I saw the awesomest double rainbow.  
That's right a double rainbow.
Really one half of it was the reflection of the main rainbow but still awesome!
This was a time I wished I had the SLR instead of my iPhone.  
The rainbow was arching over I-70.
It was beautiful.
I almost drove off the road taking a video of it.
I didn't because rainbows are lucky.
Sadly I didn't find a pot of gold at the end of it.



thea said...

Maybe you should have let Lita take the pictures/video? just a thought. :). Love the new lawn mower. and great pics of the rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog out Kate! I don't care much for that first song but the others are right up my alley! Thanks!!! Figured I should share what I am listening to with you too right now so you can get your jam on as well.

Cab Calloway - Hi De Ho Man
The Black Keys - Everlasting Light
Brandon Flowers - Crossfire
Cold War Kids - Something Is Not Right With Me
Adele - Rolling in the Deep

Anonymous said...

what a fun set of pics! love the new mower... but sun rays are one of my most favorites :)

Katie said...

I'll have to check those out. I already have Adele - JJ told me about her like at christmas.