

Another Season Begins

Jono Shawshank is playing on the Indianapolis Blue baseball team again this year.  If you didn't already know vintage baseball is only the coolest sport in Indy.  Anyhow the Blues were playing right near the house on Sunday at Garfield Park - yay for that.   So after chruch we headed over to the game despite the downpour that was looming.  It did rain but the Blues and Belle River Baseball Club still battled it out (is that the correct terminology for a vintage game Shawshank?)  The Blues won by a lot so far this year they have won all their games, and Jono did good.
And I'm sure Shawshank is waiting for some photos since we aren't roommates any longer so he can't just upload them whenever (we have a bunch more bro too).
Rabbit pitching.
Mad Dog
I think this is Hawkeye scoring and there's Wildcat in the back ground.
Shawshank slipping in the mud at home plate -  I'm so glad I captured this.
I love this shot I don't know who the guy fielding is he was from the other Indy team but that's Rabbit running to third.
Shawshank running bases in the rain.  I wonder if his mouth was open so he could drink the rain?
More rain running see how his mouth is open.
I love this one he caught it too.
Limpy and Mad Dog trying to get the force out.
Hip Hip Huzzah - here's to a great season Shawshank and the Blues.


  1. Huzzah! Iam excited to watch a game soon!

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    awesome :) you'll have to let us know if you'll be back in cbus this year!
