

Favs on Friday - Things in Jars

The other day while shopping in an antique store with a friend of mine I came across a booth with "things in jars".  It was like a gold mine.  Even though it was just random knickty-knackty things inside them nothing I was particularly looking for and I was drawn to them.   I told my friend I needed them and she was like "WTF Katie - you don't need a jar of old screws or dice".  And I kept insisting that I did need a jar of "plastic toys from the 80's for $30" or a jar of "lace and paper fans".  Like every good friend should she was like - "Well I will put some trash in a jar then you can buy it from me for $20 and save money?"  At which point I realized she was right I didn't need to buy someone else's crap in the jar.   I just like things in jars.  I like being able to see things thru the glass and how it's all jumbled up, and it's like a surprise to dump it out and remember what was in there.  The guy who owns that booth at the antique mall knew this and he was trying to package up his junkty junk to trick the people like me.  Well you know Mr. Jar Antique booth man we figured you out - however I might be back soon if you put old game pieces in a jar. ;o)
Anyhow today when I was thinking on what my Favorite Thing For Friday could be I looked up at my shelf and look what I had there...
"Things in Jars!" - This first jar actually my 30th birthday jar filled with all kind of memories from the month when I turned 30. It's a gallon sized Jar with all kinds of fantastic treasures.  In a hundred years someone will want to buy this from an antique store because it's already pre-packaged in a jar, and it comes with a crown.  And they will dump it out wonder why I saved all those knickty knacks.  But I love it.
And I have this "Things in Jar" as well - it's really just loose change and a few tickets and things that will eventually make their way into my scrapbooks whenever I resume that hobby. 
In the garage studio I have bunches and bunches of "Things in Jars".  All my buttons, brads, fasteners, chipboard, sequins, and flowers are in jars.  All sorted by colors waiting for me to make something pretty with them.   Also in the kitchen I store flours, sugars, and jams in jars.  Perhaps this year I should give everyone gifts in jars?? Anyhow that's my favorite thing for today
(sorry for the crappy photos I'm too lazy to break out the SLR and studio lighting for nicer snaps)


  1. Love your rainbow of jars.
    It's always great to be able to see what's inside.
    I save my buttons in jars, and I used to save my small change in a jar but now I have a really pretty bow.

  2. I love the last picture Katie. It makes me want to run out and put things in jars too!

  3. How about Kramer school in a jar. Tomorrow I will make you one as I think of little things to put in it!

  4. Mom - I think that is a jar for you.

  5. I love things in jars too!

  6. I have a jar of scrapbook odds and ends that you gave me at a retreat. I love it. I also have a collection of antique canning jars. Right now they house my dogs treats. Maybe I can put some interesting things in the empty ones.
