

Instead of going to the Ocean

I went to North Hampton, MA. So sadly I won't accomplish my ocean goal for May although I did see it and smell it ;o)  It is a three hour there and back drive from Western MA or I would have done it.
North Hampton or NoHo or NorthHam as locals call it is in Western Mass it's near the University of Mass Amherst (also a cute area).  It's a cute little town with all kinds of shoppity shoppe's and local restaurants and bars.   It's kind of got this hippie like vibe and it's great for people watching - best ever I think I mentioned before.  
Anyhow I visited the other day did a little shopping and had dinner and drinks with my new friend Jaden at a place called Local or Fresh or FreshLocal - who knows. (Insert shout out for Jaden here).  I took a few photos before it started pouring down rain and I got all wet and I became terrified of getting my phone wet too.  Sorry for the crummy shots I had the insta on some kind of weird setting combo.
The Shoppe's have great names - this is Northhampton Wools Too (notice women wearing jumper and white tee style circa 1992 schoolmarm).
More shoppes with great names - photo not so good that we can read them.

I really liked this Art Shoppe - I scored some letter press notes to send to people and got a new sketchbook. I liked this poster.
I also liked that "eat your greens"  I think I need one that say "Eat Yo Greens" it's a little more trendy.
And the pretty handmade paper.
And pretty fabric - some of which came home with me.
I think this shot was taken pre-rain storm - this is why I didn't bring umbrella - see blue sky.
There was a record shoppe too - where I did NOT buy any records but did listen to them.
I thought really strongly about buying this journal because of it's awesomeness it's a "Why I am Dysfunctional" Journal. Where every day for a year you jot notes about your dysfunctions. The other side of the page has great quotes of dysfunction.
You can't read this stop sign art - but it says "STOP" then below that someone added "listening to crappy music" - Stop sign art seems to be really trendy in MA - I think I'll need to do another post on that after I capture some better photos of the signs.
And the post office just in case you want to mail anything to NorthHam.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't make it to the ocean .. looks like you had a good time anyway .. also the beach is not very fun in the rain.
