

iPhone Lately

Since I have been using the SLR around Indy, but the iPhone hasn't been tossed by the wayside completely.  My love affair still continues with it (oh wait that doesn't sound right).  I have found recently that I have taken lots of photos at the gym or on the treadmill.  I'm not sure what is so interesting about that location except I'm BORED - I can safely say I don't have any real desire to run marathons.  But I am happy to report that I have shaved off about 45 more seconds from my 5K in the last week although I didn't want to run jog at all last week but I sucked it up.   Anyhow I thought I would share some of the latest.  I retouched all of these into Polaroids with my camerabag app - something everyone with an iPhone needs clearly.

Okay so Fermin took this one - but I still loved it and wanted to include.


1 comment:

  1. The picture wall looks great! and congrats on your time on the 5K. You are my hero!
