

Italian Street Fair aka get me off this Ferris Wheel (Da Weekend Part 1)

One of my favorite events of the summer is the Italian Street Fair. I mean seriously encouraged wine drinking in the streets no less and good food and my love of ferris wheels.  It's only one of the greatest events in Indy all summer long.  I am so glad the fam has embraced it too.
This year was no exception.  We packed up the SUV bringing our own wine and picnic blankets and headed to the fair.   There was free live music that we listened to while enjoying our tortellini or sausage or whatever everyone got.  Of course we must rode the Ferris wheel - note this is NOT the Schreve's favorite activity - apparently Ferris Wheels are not really intended for big guys.  But being a good sport he climbed aboard with Alicia.  Just after Jono and Ash got on the operators started this back and forth back and forth back forth back forth movement because the Ferris Wheel was off balance - YIKES.  Well of course they still put Jordan and I on and then more of this back and forth back and forth.  And then they took Ash and Jono and Jordan and I off.  And poor Schreve was yelling at them to take him off and they didn't even do him until last - he was so pissed - I thought he might bust the guys head in when he got off but he did not.  Unfortunately this chain of events ruined our plans for good picture taking on ferris wheels but I did get a handful although no kissing at the top of either of my siblings and their girls.  After we got our redo ride minus one Schreve  We were ready for some drinking and our old friend Bri-town joined us, for just this and of course we documented every moment.   So we cracked open a bottle of champagne which 6 people put away like it was going out of style naturally. Now for some snappity snaps...
Jordan and Schreve oh Schreve what is this attitude.
Me ready for some Ferris Wheeling.
Schreve and Alicia ready for some Ferris Wheeling (this was perfect lighting when we were snapping these shots I only wish we had taken more)
On the ferris wheel pre-balance issue.  I love this despite it's out of focus.
Back forth back forth and Schreve getting upset a little.
The  sunset and the city.
The fair and the church it takes place near.
More schreve annoyance and Ash has her eyes closed.  I however am rocking our car to take these photos and Jordan is cool as a cucumber.
More frustration and poor old Ash is holding on for her life.

I couldn't get them to look at me or kiss no matter if I texted or yelled
Alicia back on the ground and Schreve gone probably throwing up.
Another go round in a new car. 
Going in for the kiss
A celebration of our return to the ground.
Me and the Schreve post ferris wheel (what the hell is up with my hair?)
Sack slide time - Jordan clearly didn't realize this was a race to the death.
Picnicking Jono
Jordan having veggie lasagna
Alicia looking all cute and stuff.
Us in Jono's glasses I loved this and I wish I had zoomed in more.
Cake eating
Chit chatting
I love this one of Jono and Ash
Two brothers
Schreve, Jono, Jordan acting cool drinking their wine.
3/5 of Jones and Co siblings - this is so us it's not even funny - never serious.  I love you guys.
And the girls
Peace Out Stay Tuned for Part 2 of Da Weekend


  1. Excellent pics! Looks like y'all had a great time! What day did you do this? I need to get out more.

  2. love, love, love the pic that is "out of focus" - and the reflection in the sunglasses!

    What a fun part 1 of your weekend!

    I love local festivals - especially ones with great food.

    I totally would have stayed off of the ferris wheel, though - scary the way they rock while at the top!
