

Movie Time - Company Men

Movies again this month have been "ugh" - but I did rent a good one recently.  The Company Men - it has an all star cast with Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Cooper, and Kevin Costner.  I really liked Tommy Lee in this one it was a better roll than his cop or FBI parts. Anyhow without giving too much away it's a movie about a guy who gets laid off in downsizing and his struggles after he loses his big impressive job.  But more than that it's about greed, pride, friendship, loyalty.   While I thought the movie had a good story I really felt like they could have shown the main character struggle a bit more you almost couldn't believe that charming good looking Ben was downsized and couldn't find a job it was almost as if he wasn't really looking in the movie but instead golfing or driving around in his Porsche.  Or that his family was really noticing the loss of income aside from random Xbox comment and his son all pouty after school.  But overall this movie was worth seeing, and I really liked the ending.  
I will save you the reviews of the other junky movies I saw although Another Year was almost as boring as Somewhere but at least there was some dialog and character development save yourself the time and money on that one.


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