

The Beach! (Jones & Co Family Vacation Part 5)

I'm sure your wondering when these vacation posts will stop - well the answer is NEVER. As I'm going on another trip in two weeks. hehe  however I've already scheduled these next few and I can tell you that the words get less and less and the photos more so there's a sneak peek.
At the Beach in Ocean City we got covered in sand, ate boardwalk fries for snackty snack and roasted in the 90+ degree heat.  It made the water all that more refreshing.  I was terrified to take my big camera on the beach for fear all the sand would get up in it but instead I bought my iPhone and junky p&s camera so all these photos were taken on the iPhone - I think they turned out okay.   I'm sad to say the junky camera bit the dust however probably before we got to the beach so don't expect to see photos from it ever again.  Anyhow enjoy some photos from Ocean City Beach.



  1. Those crabs look yummy!

  2. I also really like the hat picture. very artsy.
