

Best of Life May Video- That's Some Dream

My computer does NOT like processing these it took me forever to get this to export to a viewable format. FOREVER.  I also couldn't use several video clips because they took in weird sizes not sure why they don't all take in the same size.  
I deliberated over the song at least twice as long as the 9 hours this took to process.  I wanted something more upbeat but I love this song and it was less lovey dovey as the others I came up with if you have an suggestions for future songs please feel free to share. The song is called "That's Some Dream" by the Good Old War - check them out they are cool. 
If you want to see the other videos for this year you can find them here. I'm sure after you watch them you'll want to hire me to film all your events birthday's, weddings, retirements etc.


  1. loved the video. Sure you can come and video bowling for us on Tuesday night ..

  2. I will fly right in. What the heck Boston, California, dc, chicago, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, west Virginia, Delaware not a bad spread for two weeks!

  3. Not bad at all!
