

Boat Cruising to Mt. Vernon (Jones & Co Summer Vacation Part 3)

As part of our travels in DC we decided to by a LivingSocial Coupon and take a boat cruise to Mount Vernon for the day. It was supposed to be something like 100 degrees in the city so we got up extra early for boat cruising to get out of dodge ASAP.  The boat seemed to go exceedingly slow and there were some characters on board (ones that weren't us).  But we enjoyed seeing DC from another perspective.
We also enjoyed this bridge.  Later in the week we got to drive over it and JJ tells us that there's a bike trail on it as well.
Another fun part was having the planes landing as we passed by National - had this been a Monday Morning or Friday Night I might have been on one of these.

And finally at last we arrived at Mount Vernon.  Momo was not so much feeling the long walk so JJ and her took the shuttle and the rest of us treked up the hill that George Washington once took frequently I'm sure. 

We saw his tomb where he and Martha now rest.
We saw GW's sheep which I'm sure are the same ones that once grazed the hills of Mt. Vernon or at least descendants.
We checked out all the outbuildings and of course questioned the help as to what they were about.
This guy was completely disinterested in us.  But the Doctor and I had a nice discussion about the weather and the savages in Indiana that must have run off with my frocks.
Since George might have sat here I needed to sit here too.
Smash and I were quite fond the of the artichoke trees.  I was wondering if I could plant one at home.
This is George's view.  Isn't it lovely. 
And here is the mansion. 
And because we can't ever listen to the "no photo" rule we of course snapped some photos inside.  Without the flash of course.
This green parlor is kind of loud don't you think?

I was just saying how I wished that the random people would get out of our photos of the house.  And then they did. And it was just us plus Mt. Vernon of course the other camera has the group shots on it though.

And then after some lunch and shopping and a stop at the museum for the interactive Xtreme movie we headed back to the harbor for our return boat ride. 
Double fist pumps for the return trip.
By George I think this is where GW used to swim.

The return boat ride seemed to go a little faster although I think that was really all in our heads.  We of course needed to snap a million gazillion photos because every moment of family vacation should be documented like this...
I think it was actually an argument but they were trying to be cool for the photo.
And brother shots.  I think the boys look more alike in this photo than normal.
And just being goofy.
And there's Momo who seemed to escape being caught on my camera but must be on the other one.
More soon - we're off to the beach next.


  1. Hooray Pictures from our vacation! Lita didn't get very many!

  2. Love the mt vernon pictures. Looks like it was a good and steamy time. Like the Smash/Jono fight picture .. they look like they're going to kiss and make up.
