

August Video - Dog Days of Summer

Another month done, most of this footage is from vacation but you know when you spend a good deal of the month on vacation this is what happens.  I can hardly believe that September is almost over I have only taken like 4 videos in September too - I think tomorrow I will just capture making tea, running errands all the normalcy in life. The Song for this video is by Florence + the Machine if you don't know them you need too!  They are awesomesauce. If you are having trouble loading the video you can watch it on YouTube here.
If you want to see the first 7 videos you can check them here.


  1. Enjoyed the video .. swimming in the UP was lots of fun. Loved the poncho swimming you did during the hurricane.

  2. Oh Katie!
    I feel like I am atching a old silent film with Charlie Chaplin.
    Dog days of summer well I guess so.

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Best video of the year award. I especially love Lita's table washing skills.
