

10 - Sushi Quilt Finished

I started this sushi quilt almost two years ago.  Although I never seriously got into it until a year or so ago when I finished the top.  Well Friday it finally went to its receipent who could not have been more thrilled.  Amy was so excited and kind of shocked like "for me?"  
The quilt itself I ending up liking way more than I thought I would.  The quilting is not perfect but it fits the quilt.  The quilting is all free handed and done with my regular foot because my walking foot just gets in the way and I have long since lost the free motion foot.  There was exactly enough puckering and crinkle with this to hide flaws after it washed too.  I love that.  
And the backing is all pieced from various fabric I had left over.  That Denise Schmidt plaid is finally gone now too.  I think I used it in 6 quilts.  I do like how the back ended up and I am glad it's not all solids.  
Enjoy it Amy it was a fun one.
Oh and crossing off #10 from my list too! Winning! 

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