

Project Life 2014 - August/September

I am not sure what the last project life pages were I shared.  Possibly July?  Maybe it was actually before that.  But rather than worry about it I am going to start sharing with August and September.  This were big months here I transitioned back to work, we took our first trips as a family of three, and we just generally cut our teeth at parenting.  Nothing super fancy about these August pages lots of baby photos and I used various size pages to mix it up.
I do also love these shots with Gerry Gobbler aka Dustin.  I left a spot for our ticket but I don't recall where I put it.
First wedding and road trip we took jones to Milwalkee remember that?  I did blog it right?
Moving into September I missed a photo of the front of September (oh well you better just come see my book in person).
We flew to DC so jones can see his people.  He had a great time and was such a good traveler.  The only fancy thing I did with these you can't really tell but I cut slits in the protector and added ribbon in the middle rather than at the sides.
I like these project life cards too that have a cut out to see the page behind too (Let's make Wine and our travels)
Uncle Jones and aunt Lo met jones too.  And we had family brunch and a picnic.
I took about a billion photos in September and August so it was hard to pick a few. I do love this family snap.  And also included here is a snap from the friendaversary cards I sent out.
Sorry for the crappy snaps sometimes the only time available is after your teething son is asleep.

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