

Tuesday 10 - Happy Birthday Dustin!

Today's Dustin's birthday.  We did a little celebrating this weekend and tonight we are going to BDubs and then some are to Nicky Blaines for more celebrating.  Anyhow here's this weeks list:
1) Veal's Ice Tree (so cool not sure how I never saw it before).
2) Playing ball with these guys.
3) finding all the cards and notes I wrote Dustin while on the road.
4) babies in snow suits
5) babies and snowmen 
6) babies in nail salons
7) oh shoot I just love babies.  Especially this one. 
8) I also love Leslie Knope and Parks and Recreation.  Photo from recent article on Buzzfeed
9) this verse - philippans 4:10-12
10) These guys.

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