

Happy Easter!

This guy is not so impressed by the janky free Easter bunny (I refused to pay $20 for three pictures at the mall).  But I dig his new green Easter pants.  These hung out with us yesterday and did Easter stuff  while Dustin was working.
We also went to an Easter egg hunt.  Where the baby might have enjoyed the swings more than the egg hunting.
Today jones was all about the praise and worship at church.  And we enjoyed a quiet day at home while Dustin worked.  Jones napped while I cleaned and did a devotional, and then we took walks and played ball and nonstop bubble blowing.
He understood that his Easter basket should be dumped out.  And enjoyed his new balls, cars, and animals.  Oh and the bubbles he is all about those he cried when I stopped blowing them.
And he was all about trying to help me with dishes and laundry too.
Happy Easter!

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