

#24 Burford and Co Trip part 1

For our anniversary and spring break we flew to Colorado to see Jono and Lo.  The weather was interesting- sometimes it was snowing in the morning and 70 in the afternoon and sometimes it was super blue skies and sometimes it was cloudy.  but we'd never really spent anytime in Colorado so it was fun to see and do.  It's so different than Indiana. Everywhere there seems to be lots of beautiful landscape. We visited garden of the gods we actually had intended to go see some cliff dwellings too but they were closed for some reason so we went here instead.
Garden of the gods is pretty much awesome. The snow makes it prettier perhaps.
One day was raining so we hit the children's museum.  We walked over between rainstorm.  The Denver children's museum is tiny - each exhibit is about 1/4th of the size of the ones in Indy.  But that was ok with jones because he one needs a few hours of activity before a nap.
We also went to Breckinridge and Red Rocks and saw our friend Ty although we didn't take any pictures with him. Uncle Jono tried out the baby carrier.  He liked it didn't even mind when jones peed on him.
Sometime I want to return for a show here.
Breckinridge has free gondolas to take you various places so of course we rode them.
We went to some shopper shops in one jones snatched up this alligator and started hugging it and daddy was a softie and bought it for him.
More to come.

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