

Tuesday 10 - end of June

So many fabulous and awesome things to love and be thankful for.
1. First birthday cake.
2. Fake Eyelashes & Big Hair
3. extra Family in town
4. Weddings! 
5. Birthday Twins Ewan & Jones
6. Running in the splash park
7. Babies in forts
8. Film cameras
9. Return of Shawshank chairs

2 - first Birthday Party

I absolutely adore Jones at this age.  He is so much fun and still so innocent.  Saturday we threw him a first birthday party (#2 on the list) while we had extra family in town for Lita's wedding.  We had it at Ellenberger Park at the rented shelter.  It was sort of "ball" themed since jones loves balls.  We served ball shaped foods meatballs, oranges, blueberries, cherries, cheeseball etc.  Jones was very into opening his presents which is more then I have seen from other one year olds mostly he wanted to play with all his new toys. He ate his cake with much more intentness the second time around the first time at our house with just us on his actual birthday he didn't want to get messy.  This time he took the cake apart and was offering bites to people.
I made party hats he wasn't interested in wearing but others wore them.  And I made him a special "1" cup which he did like to drink from.
Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate and for all the sweet gifts jones is still very smitten with his toys.  


20 - celebrate Lita's wedding

My baby sister got married this weekend.  
We helped her celebrate. It was a fun time.  She and my new brother Nigel seem very happy together.  It was a good  wedding.  Lots of dancing and celebrating.  Baby Jones enjoyed himself he thought the wedding was all about him and he was heartbroken when everyone left and it was just me and him and the end of the weekend.  Thanks so much to my bf Kathleen for being my sitter while we did bridal party stuff.
Congratulations to the happy couple! 


Best of Life - Summer 2014

I just got around to making last summer's video.  Jonesy is so little back then and his movements are so different.  The songs are Riptide by Vance Joy and Happy by Pharrell Williams - I just picked songs I LOVE rather than trying to find something that matched.  If you can't view the above preview you can click here.



#babyburf 12 months

My baby is now a toddler.  This year flew by, seems like just yesterday he was just figuring out breast feeding and switching his sleep pattern from days to nights.  Oh little baby jones you are so magical.  
Dear Babyburf -
You are so magical. The way you chatter on endlessly and nobody understands.  The way you open doors 20 times.  The way you eyes sparkle and your chubby fingers reach for me.   This month we saw you transforming from baby into toddler and we gobble up the transformations with clapping, giddy laughter, and hug snuggles.  You are our favorite. 

+ You walk now like between 5-12 steps mostly when you aren't paying attention. 
+ you cry when guests leave. 
+ You can do your shapes puzzle 
+ you can pick up toys
+ you mimick sounds
+ You sign three words eat, more and play
+ you can say, hi, bye bye, mama, dada and say ba for bath and ball, and baba for bottle.
+ you adore going to the pool and splash park.   
+ you know several animal sounds.
+ You love getting containers out of the two kitchen drawers and carrying them around.
+ You eat just about anything these days still loving the beans best and noodles second.  
+ Daddy has been spending some more time with you before his new job starts. 
+ Daddy likes watching you walk and encouraging you to play basketball
+ Daddy loves when you "help" cook or do dishes it's so adoreable. 
+ Mommy always love how you get so excited when I get you up in the morning. 
+ mommy loves watching you interact with other kids
+ mommy likes taking you on outings
+ Mommy smells your hair and skin after baths just so she can remember your smell.  
+ mommy loves when you mimick a song or humming.
Happy birthday boy.  You are awesome!
Love mommy


19 Stars: Quilts of Indiana's Past and Present

I had the opportunity to do a little sneak peek of the 19 Stars: Quilts of Indiana’s Present and Past at the Indiana State Museum this last weekend.  I took Jonesy with me because Babies Love Quilts yes?   

Anyhow the exhibit is part of Indiana’s Bicentennial celebration (did you know Indiana will be 200 next year?).   It features vintage quilts as well as contemporary (sadly no Indianapolis Modern Quilt Guild members had quilts in the exhibit).  The exhibit features 19 stars as Indiana was the 19th State of the Union.  

Let’s start first with the contemporary side of the exhibit – these quilts while they are masterpieces in their own right.  Surprisingly most of these were not my cup of tea.  I prefer quilts that can be functional in my home rather than hung solely on a wall.   Many of these were what I would call art quilts with very intricate piecing and unique fabrics and detailed quilting.  Regardless they were still beautiful and you can appreciate the craftsmanship and artistic ability of their creators.   Here are a few snaps I captured of the Contemporary  Side of the exhibit.

The vintage quilts however were amazing!  I was surprised at how much I was drawn to the Vintage pieces.  I could see similarities to these quilts and quilts shown at show and tell and IMQG Meetings.  A few of them I said to myself  “Rachael will want to hack this” (Rachael being an IMQG member who often likes to hack patterns).  They were beautiful, intricately pieced, many by hand.  And they are persevered so beautifully that you can’t really tell they are 100+ years old.    Anyhow here are some snaps from the Vintage side of the exhibit.

 Check out this feathering?  And quilting.  Holy Cow!

 Ombre Anyone?
 And what about some of these vintage prints?  

Shout out for Indy Modern Quilt Guild - Indiana State Museum if you want to have an exhibit of AMAZING Indiana Modern quilts anytime soon get in touch – I know so people. LOL.

The exhibit is on the 3rd floor of the Indiana State Museum and is included with museum admission.  I think admission $12 or $13/person (Jones sized babies are free) but the first Tuesday of the Month is ½ Price if you are a deal finder.  It’s also worth taking a peek at the Bill Foley Exhibit which I also loved. 


WIP Wednesday - MQG Challenge Quilt

Only sharing one work in progress today.  Because I have not made any progress on anything else aside from laundry, dishes and binge watching Girls with Kathleen (it's so bad it's good).  Anyhow I started quilting the MQG Riley Blake Challenge. Not entirely sure if I am liking this or not we will see.  I hope to finish it this weekend. 


Tuesday 10 - June Summer

1. Rides in shopping carts.
2. Pool and splash park time last week we did two pool visits and one splash park visits. This kid is a water baby.
3. Trivia Night we lost but we went to a new place and we saw John Stamps.
4. We broke a world record at the fever game and face painted logos on our faces YES!
5. baby's first Popsicle and concert.  
6. am i who you are looking for?
7. Jones is all over helping these days it's soooo adorable.  Here we made pizza.  He might have eaten a smidgen of each pepperoni.
8. Continuing our movement.
9. Worlds largest balloon animal.  Made by a guy we know.  Still available at the Indiana State Museum if anyone wants to see it.
10. Also at the museum the 19 Stars Quilts.  Define fly worth a look more about that soon.