

Jason Vanoskey 1984-2015

I have started this post several times over the last month.  It's still very real and very sad for me to even write.  I keep expect him to text me and say that he is coming by for dinner, or that Jayda wants to do crafts, or to find out where I was going to church.  
Let me back up for a second and say Jason Vanoskey was a staple here at the house and in our lives.  There are people you don't just consider friends but you consider them family like Kathleen.  And Jason was one of those people.  
He often was the last to leave a party.  
He didn't care if I was fixing hot dogs and macaroni for supper he was hungry and he was coming and eating it and seconds.
He fell asleep on the couch more often then not.
He could devour a pizza in less then a minute.
He got in trouble for running at my pool party.
He made us watch cross fit videos.
He ate cheeseburgers faster than I can say cheeseburger.
He could jump on top of a dryer from standing position.
He told us about his women dramas.
He danced with me at many weddings.
He trusted us with his daughter.
He loved holding and hugging on my baby.
He shared scripture and truth with us when we needed it and when we thought we didn't.
And he couldn't wait until it was time to rip his shirt off in any sporting event.
He was my people.  
Funny story about Jason, before Dustin and I met.  He and Dustin were at the grocery store together and I was there with my friend Amy (who had previously dated Jason), and Jason saw us told Dustin to stay far away from Amy and I, that we were "trouble".   A week or so later Dustin actually met us and totally disregarded Jason's warning.  And obviously we know what happened after that.  When I told Jason about this later he had no recollection of it but we always chuckled about it.
That last time we hung out we ate cookies and talked about college funds and how his ideal women was like his mom.  He hugged me on his way out the door like usual.  I didn't know that would be the last time I would see him.  I didn't know that my texts a week later to him would be the last ones we exchanged.  Sometimes God has plans.  Sometimes we don't understand what the plans are and just have to accept that God is at work.  I am comforted knowing that Jason was both a Christian and Disciple.  I know I will see him again in heaven and he will tell me about his latest workout and girl and he then he will fall asleep on the nearest sofa.  I miss you Vanoskey.

1 comment:

  1. very nice tribute. thanks for sharing a little Jason with me.
