

First Day of School

Jonesy had his first day of preschool yesterday.  I was way more nervous then him.  He ran right in to play.   He didn't even want to give me a hug bye bye that first day.   Even though he's only one he's going to a daycare that has a curriculum for his age group too so we call it preschool (tectonically they do to).  
He already is having fun he wants to show me all the toys when I come pick him up.  And Silly Safari was there and now he can say "owl" and hoot like an owl.  
It's so weird for me not having him here to have lunch with or to see on breaks.  But honestly it's good too because it's quieter and I don't have to worry if he will beat on the door while I am on a call.  
Anyhow here's to hoping this continues to be a good experience for him.

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